Pankti Pathak

Art and Self realization


Self realization is the highest goal of artistic expression. The motive is to know our own identity which is
the core of all inspirations. That is the final secret of our being.
Every form of art has the power to unveil the ultimate identity of the SELF.
In case of painting, though it seems realistic , it is a very personal statement , a revelation of artist’s
personal outlook of life.
A few examples I want to share here which I learned from the expert, J.Donald Walters .He says in his
book “Art as a guide to self Realization” that an attempt for high realism in any painting, expresses the
rigidity of nature, practical and a down to earth mindset .If the painting suggests exaggerated sense of
neatness, it suggests seeking for a great ideal. When hedges or boundaries are strongly depicted,
suggests a feeling of imprisonment of emotions. Emphasis on sweeping lines shows the rhythms of life;
of the emotions, happiness and grief. Softened contrasts gives a sense of serenity and tranquility.
You might not feel all of these if you do not consult your heart while viewing or creating any painting.
That is also very true that there are artworks which cannot even produce any ripple of response on this
feeling level but there are works which do impart this . And they are actually the great works. It is a
pleasure to have such good feeling paintings in our homes, where they can be seen daily, to bring
harmony to the home and heart.
The best thing paintings do is, the tuning of our own vibrations while creating as well as while seeing
them. Each and every soulful strokes, I call them “sacred strokes”,as they have evolved out of the deep
understanding of life. Viewing a painting means feeling this understanding, by keeping aside our own
prejudices and tuning the consciousness with the idea portrayed in the painting. Abstract art evokes
some unknown feelings coming from the unknown areas of our minds and gives a glimpse of the
unknown if we are open to such instincts.
I witnessed the purifying effect of art while I transcended the frustrations and blockages I felt during the
intense process of creativity. I experienced it as that they all were coming out of my own ego. The fear
of failures and the fear of being judged and compared keep crushing you while creating. Going ahead of
such thinking and keep creating expands the boundaries of ego and gives a feeling of expansion and the
vastness of the Self can be felt; which is actually amazing. After walking though the emotional turmoil of
every painting, my existence feels lighter and more open to the inspirations and instincts from the
higher consciousness.
Pankti Pathak

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